We are Aequitas

AEQUITAS Group is a Czech investment group founded in 2020. The main areas of business are real estate development and restructuring, energy, financial and legal services, e-commerce, sale and lease of real estate, and hospitality management.

Our priority is the enhancement of our own and entrusted financial resources through investments in innovations, new approaches, technologies and professional management of teams, projects and companies. Together we build the good name of the group and create values not only for the fund shareholders and investors.
The key to our success is an experienced professional team of workers who combine an honest and highly professional approach to their work.
We also do not forget about the impact of our business on society. We consistently strive for sustainable growth and consideration for the environment. We also supports a number of charitable activities.

The organization of the AEQUITAS group can be viewed from two perspectives.

The investment part is covered by Aequitas Capital Investment SICAV a.s. This fund of qualified investors (FQI) is under the supervision of the Czech National Bank (ČNB), its administrator is DELTA investiční společnost, a.s., the depository is Československá obchodní banka a.s. (ČSOB) and auditor of PKF APOGEO, s.r.o. Another company in the group, Aequitas Capital Investment a.s., is subject to the fund. It is an issuer of bonds with an EU prospectus for growth in the amount of CZK 1 billion.
Financial resources obtained both from the sale of bonds and shares of the SICAV fund are used to co-finance primarily development projects (see PROJECTS) which are also part of this part of the group. It can be stated that the bonds and shares of the fund are covered by projects implemented by the group.

The second perspective shows the companies involved in the running of the entire group. Some, such as Aequitas Development s.r.o., directly implement development projects, Aequitas Real Estate s.r.o. ensures their sale after completion, Aequitas Energy s.r.o. deals with investments in the field of energy. The company Daily Numbers s.r.o. is an accounting and tax office that provides its services to companies within the group, as well as to customers from the outside. (see COMPANIES)

Legal service is provided by the law office of its founder Jan Langmeier, JD – www.langmeier.cz.